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Moving to Brisbane from Sydney


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Hi there,

I have been living in Sydney for about 2 years now and after spending some time on the Lower North Shore, I moved to the Northern Beaches (Narrabeen) a few months ago. Oh my...what a beautiful place! I love the outdoors, beaches, national parks etc. so I still feel like I am on holidays - at least during the weekend. My current job allows me to work from home a few times a week so I don't have to endure the lenghthy commute in the city. BUT (there is always a but...) I am paying a premium price for my lifestyle and for what I pay for my (admittlingly modern and big) 1-bedroom apartment (which is also close to the ocean), I could obviously get a bigger and much cheaper place up in Brissie. I am 40 yrs old (female) so I kind of feel that I can't live like a 25 year old anymore - but should make a few sensible decisions regarding my financial future. At the same time, I do enjoy a bit of luxury/convenience and at that age, I don't want to tough it out in a shared home or old/run-down apartment just to live in a nice location. Also, being from overseas, I usually get visitors who stay for a few weeks - and my father usually travels to Australia every year and stays with me for about 2-3 months, so an extra bedroom would be a plus. So from a financial point of view, everything is pointing towards Brisbane. I recently visited a friend over there and was amazed how  many new apartments/townhouses are being built - and they are good value (in comparison to Sydney) - in Brisbane, I could even look at potentially buying one day (which is unrealistic in Sydney - especially with a single income). I used to live in Brisbane for a few years (until 2012) but the city appears to really have come out of its shell.

So I have been looking for job opportunities over there but so far, nothing has caught my eye yet (I am a physio but working for an insurance company at the moment). I am aware that Sydney has a lot more job opportunities but they are obviously more spread out and I don't know whether I would be up for a daily lengthy commute again. Not so keen to move back closer to the city as I love being surrounded by nature. I know that I would miss the Northern Beaches terribly but then again, Brisbane is surrounded by some pretty amazing beaches and national parks - but obvioulsy with more travel time involved (for the beaches).

So I am finding myself in a bit of a dilemma and I wondered whether anybody else has made the move (especially singles) and how did you find living in Brisbane? Thanks for your opinions!

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Hi Ozblueskies. Firstly I'll say that I'm not single however have just moved to Brisbane (from the UK). Have been here for nearly 3 months.

Housing definitely is cheaper. Apartments (Units) are being built pretty much everywhere you look. In the city, suburbs nearby and in many suburbs further out. There have been some concerns I've heard that there may be too many being built and it might create a glut / buyers market - which is a good thing for you if you're in for the long game. Of course this could be utter nonsense - it will be a wait and see game once many of the apartments are up for sale.

I enjoy Brisbane. I have spent some time in Sydney (work secondment, twice) and I prefer it here. For the Sydney roles I lived on the Northern Beaches and the other I lived north of CBD.

Brisbane is, in my short time here, very very friendly and relaxed. Some say too relaxed (when it comes to finding and retaining builders!). I've seen quite a lot of physio and chiropractic services advertised - not sure why I've noticed this against other services. Many seem to offer a part time service (in a shop) however then work out in the 'field' on other days I presume. My OH found a role before landing here - I haven't tested the waters yet so can't really tell you about work.

There really isn't a beach here. Well, there is a man made one on South Bank (which is an utterly brilliant area). The only beach I've found so far is Wellington Point (which is great) however you do need to watch out for blue ringed octopus and stone fish! We've visited wildlife parks, sanctuaries and areas along the coast. Walked along the river (South Brisbane suburbs) and  dipped our toes in the sea. Explored the libraries, museum and cultural centres. Watched the most amazing pink and blue lightning thunderstorm crack across the sky. Listened to live music, awwwed and enjoyed a wine watching fireworks over the city and been already invited over to people's houses for get togethers. We really cannot say we have come across any unfriendliness although we're not daft enough to believe, like anywhere, this doesn't exist.

We've caught buses and trains and hired a car (trips to Gold Coast and further in NSW). The bus drivers are so friendly!! Drivers on the other hand are lane hogs and will not let you in. They must feel someone will remove their first born or something. It really is ridiculous.

It's been hot. I mean really hot. It was up to 37 the other day and coupled with the humidity made me want to jump on a plane out of here (I don't do well in humidity). I did not enjoy this. Not at all. It was unseasonably hot I was told and now it's a very pleasing 23 degrees. We've had a huge amount of rain and the long term locals around here tell me we're in for a long hot but wet summer. Again, I'm really not looking forward to this.  I miss Scotland hugely, hugely - but saying that we're not heading back because I miss something I can't put into words. We're only here three month and it takes at least a year to 18 months to really know if it's right or not. Australia, as you know, is a massive country and so very different everywhere you go. If somewhere is not right for you - move on!

Although I've only spent three months here I can compare it to other places I have lived and worked in, in Australia, and so far, I really like and prefer Brisbane. So much to do and so much to see. For us, so relaxed. I'm waxing lyrical a bit here, but kids seem to be kids a bit longer (that I experienced coming from the UK) and so far, we've had school kids offer seats to us on the bus and say excuse me, sorry, hello etc. Yes of course kids do this in the UK but I get a sense already it happens more here.

Found it challenging to secure a rental. Five people applied for ours so we were lucky. Have all documentation ready and be polite/friendly to the realtor. We pay $475 a week for a reasonably newly built three bedroom townhouse (2.5 bathrooms), large kitchen, balcony, utility room, private garage and outdoor space. Leafy suburb with restaurants, cafes, shops, small businesses and parks. 15 mins walk to the river. 12 minutes on the train to the CBD during peak hour. Bus takes about 20 mins (25/30 in bad traffic).

That's about all I can say so far. Happy to try to answer anything further if I can. Not sure I've been helpful or not!

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Hey Ozzie, 

Great post, very informative. We are a family of 3 from Glasgow looking to move to the Brisbane area, my wife and I plus our 10 week old daughter, oh and our dog Hamish the frenchie. 

We've lodged our EOI so just a waiting game now. What area are you living in? We've been looking a bit outside the city in the Manly area. I have a provisional job offer subject to my visa so it's good to know we'll be earning straight away. 

Can't wait for the adventure. 

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Hi Ozzie, thank you so much for your reply, that sounds great, your post actually makes me want to pack my bags straightaway and move up to Brisbane :)

I used to live there a while back so I am familiar with the climate there and honestly, I didn't find it too bad, except for a few days that were really unbearable.

One thing that strikes me here in Sydney (in comparison to Brisbane): As the city is so big and it takes ages to travel from A to B (especially crossing the bridge), I find that most people tend to stay in their suburb area and don't socialise as much with people from other areas - as a result, I sometimes find Sydney quite insular. I never really had this impression in Brisbane - obviously, it's much smaller and easier to get around, but it never really occurred to me back then that people wouldn't travel to other parts of Brisbane to see friends.

Interesting to read that you said that it was hard to secure a rental - my observation is that there is quite a bit of oversupply at the moment and  see quite a few newly built apartments/townhouses where 2-4 weeks free rent is on offer when you sign a lease. I suppose, it depends on the area and the specific complex?

The option that I will have a much higher disposable income (due to lower rents) is quite attractive though, I must say...

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13 hours ago, Stuart16 said:

Hey Ozzie, 

Great post, very informative. We are a family of 3 from Glasgow looking to move to the Brisbane area, my wife and I plus our 10 week old daughter, oh and our dog Hamish the frenchie. 

We've lodged our EOI so just a waiting game now. What area are you living in? We've been looking a bit outside the city in the Manly area. I have a provisional job offer subject to my visa so it's good to know we'll be earning straight away. 

Can't wait for the adventure. 

Hi @Stuart16 thanks for your comment. I think if you enjoy heat (especially humidity), more relaxed lifestyle and being outdoors then you may just like Brisbane and surrounds. When it's really really hot mind it's just like those brilliant grey freezing sideways rain and sleet days of a Scotland January ;-) as in it's a bit of a struggle to stay outdoors! It's great here tho. We're a fairly active family and love the outdoors - and are doing so much more here than we did in the UK. Just better weather and not having to take coats, gloves, scarves etc.. for us and child is brilliant. Don't forget the sun-cream, hat and bug repellent tho!

Manly ( an eastern bayside suburb of Brisbane for anyone reading this and thinking 'Sydney') is lovely. As are many suburbs around there. I definitely recommend that area. There's a great little spot called Wellington Point where you can dip your toes in the water (be careful of the nasties tho) and catch the sea breeze. From around there very easy to get over to Stradbroke Island too which is in a word, magical.

We're only 7k south of Brisbane CBD but ideally would love to move out (buy) to near where you're looking to move. The trains are frequent so I hear from that part of Brisbane. Certainly my OH hasn't had an issue (albeit it we've only been here 3 months).

The kids will love South Bank. Man made beach and two adventure type pools. Plethora of restaurants and eateries and music/festivals on what seems like every weekend.

It's exciting eh! Daunting though too. Before you know it you'll be here. I felt like our process was if anything, a bit too quick! If you want to know prices of things let me know for budgetary reasons - albeit it every family spends differently. Please feel free to ask any questions you have - may not be able to answer many but will try!

All the best!

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8 hours ago, Ozblueskies said:

Hi Ozzie, thank you so much for your reply, that sounds great, your post actually makes me want to pack my bags straightaway and move up to Brisbane :)

I used to live there a while back so I am familiar with the climate there and honestly, I didn't find it too bad, except for a few days that were really unbearable.

One thing that strikes me here in Sydney (in comparison to Brisbane): As the city is so big and it takes ages to travel from A to B (especially crossing the bridge), I find that most people tend to stay in their suburb area and don't socialise as much with people from other areas - as a result, I sometimes find Sydney quite insular. I never really had this impression in Brisbane - obviously, it's much smaller and easier to get around, but it never really occurred to me back then that people wouldn't travel to other parts of Brisbane to see friends.

Interesting to read that you said that it was hard to secure a rental - my observation is that there is quite a bit of oversupply at the moment and  see quite a few newly built apartments/townhouses where 2-4 weeks free rent is on offer when you sign a lease. I suppose, it depends on the area and the specific complex?

The option that I will have a much higher disposable income (due to lower rents) is quite attractive though, I must say...

No bother @Ozblueskies! Pinch of salt however as I have only been here three months so far - ask me again how I feel after summer O.oO.oxD

Seriously though, I like it. It ticks many boxes for me and us as a family. Great you've experienced the weather already - you'll know what you're in for :-)

I haven't travelled from one side of Brisbane to the other - although have driven through twice and caught a bus many times to large parts. It seemed pretty easy to me but then again, it's not every day in peak hour so it could be different. We walk about a lot also, from the South Bank area to the CBD and back. Very easy. I don't know that many people here to know if they travel about to see eachother but can't see why not. I completely understand what you mean in Sydney however - it does seem to have a big divide. I have heard that there is a divide between North and South here but again not that I've experienced - doesn't mean it doesn't exist though.

Perhaps we arrived in a busy time for rentals - maybe people at uni or otherwise. Not sure. We weren't too picky but did need approval for a pet - that must be why it was harder for us.

Disposable income is a massive plus! There are so many things here you can spend your money on to have fun! Sunnie Coast, Gold Coast, Wildlife parks, breakfast in a cafe in the Redlands area, across to islands for snorkling etc.. etc.. etc......... we're still discovering.

All the best to you!


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Hey Ozzie, 

Received my invite on Friday morning, way quicker than expected (1 week after lodging my EOI) !!!! 

Yes it's very daunting, my wife wants to go but worries about leaving her folks. Her brother lives on the sunshine coast with his girlfriend and our god son. I suppose that makes things slightly easier for us as we have some family over in Australia already. 

Things are now moving slightly quicker than expected so I'll PM you with a few questions I have if that's OK? Did you mention above you brought a pet across with you? 




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3 hours ago, Stuart16 said:

Hey Ozzie, 

Received my invite on Friday morning, way quicker than expected (1 week after lodging my EOI) !!!! 

Yes it's very daunting, my wife wants to go but worries about leaving her folks. Her brother lives on the sunshine coast with his girlfriend and our god son. I suppose that makes things slightly easier for us as we have some family over in Australia already. 

Things are now moving slightly quicker than expected so I'll PM you with a few questions I have if that's OK? Did you mention above you brought a pet across with you? 




Hi @Stuart16 that's great!! Some times things move quickly eh! All the best and that's great you have family so nearby. The Sunnie Coast is absolutely gorgeous. We didn't have family here (although my OH is an Australian and does have a little bit of a family in other States). It is daunting leaving your folks. Pretty much everyone feels like this. It is hard. It is your and your wife's lives however so you must live it as you need to (obviously not discounting at all the strong relationships and feelings on all behalf). It might help to look at it as not really leaving. Just look at this as x amount of years not 'forever' - seems to help me a bit. Hopefully they may be able to come and visit? Will you aim to pop back at some stage also? It is a difficult thing to do I concede and what's right for someone may not be right for others. Some people I know can't wait to get as far away from their destructive families :D. It is a lot easier to fly back and forth (as opposed to the three + month boat journeys!) however it is expensive and draining and you can't be there for everything. It's just something you need to weigh up.

Absolutely feel free to PM me any questions. Not sure if I could answer all but will definitely give you as much advice as I can. One big thing is that you need to have an Australian approved car seat for your daughter. The UK ones (usually) are not approved. We feel it is a bit bonkers as ours is very sturdy and does not move about in the seat - where the Aussie ones do. They are tethered on from the top to a hook in the car. Anyway, just a word of warning as we brought ours over here and now can't use it.

Yes we brought our nine year old cat with us. You could never have even thought she had travelled on all those flights. She's incredibly timid but we've seen zero issues so far (she's now been here with us for about 4 weeks). I was worried about psychological changes - but none are to be seen. We did consider leaving her in the UK IF there had been someone who we trusted to look after her, but there was no-one. We would never ever have considered giving a nine year old cat to a home. We always wanted her to be with us but I felt it might be a bit selfish to put her through the journey/quarantine. But as said, you would think she had never done any of it, exactly the same and already sparring with our toddler daughter (it's a 'I was here first for 7 years' sort of thing ;)) It was expensive and we had to keep on top of the vet visits/paperwork mind. We used a pet travel company.

Take care.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've not read all the replies but I am 38yo single female bailing on Sydney too. I've been here 6.5 years, Canberra before that. As a physio I can't imagine work would be hard to come by. I think the housing market in Brisbane is totoally different. I can't imagine with a rental history and a job it would be hard. Its definitely cheaper too. I'm trading in a 3 bed townhouse for a 4/5 bed detached home and a pool for 2/3 the price. School fees are 1/3 the price (that was a deal clincher for me!). I've been up for a weekend and I also found the people very friendly, I mean customer service went the extra mile. It's not that people in Sydney aren't friendly it's just it was a step change in Brisbane. 

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Hello everyone. I have 2 rental properties in Brisbane - a lovely 2 bedroom unit in Toowong near the river and a 5 bedroom luxury Queenslander house in Sherwood. I would be happy to consider renting to someone moving from overseas or interstate as I know how difficult it can be moving to a new city. PM me if you would like the details. I spent 10 happy years in Brisbane and highly recommend it to anyone thinking of a lifestyle change!

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