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Hello! We're moving to Melbourne (from interstate) and would be keen for anyone to provide updated opinions on primary and secondary schools in Point Cook? DS is quite shy, studious and introverted. We'd like a school with a culture where academic excellence is "cool". 

Because DS is in year 5, we're only considering schools that offer K-9 (or K-12 though I've not read of any). I've done some research but would love to hear first-hand advice please?

  • Alamanda College - seems to be good on paper based on rankings, NAPLAN results, etc. Any feedback? How's the admin? Any bullying? How're the older kids??
  • Featherbrook College - just opened this year - any feedback from parents who have visited or whose kids are currently enrolled there?
  • Caranballac P-9 - read some not so great reviews so very hesitant - only thing is it's the zoned school for Sanctuary Lakes which seems nice (and safe?)
  • Point Cook College - good reviews but also quite full?

Just concerned because of stories about teens in state schools (well, anywhere but there seem to be more horror stories??) - realise it can't fully be avoided but we'd like to lessen the chances of DS getting bullied and/or exposed to bad habits at an early age.

Thank you and hope to gain some advice and insights! 

PS. We're looking at the estates zoned for each school of course so any comments RE the same in relation to the schools would be great, thanks!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Lizzie, 

I wanted to send you a private message but realized that as a new member I can't. I am looking to move to point cook as well and school is a huge concern to me, so since this post has been a year old now would you be able to shed more information.

What school did you choose in the end and what is your opinion of it ?

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