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Child Visa Queries


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I have a few questions regarding Form 1229 & 47CH.

1)  I have completed 2 child visa applications for our children, so that's two 47CH's & two 40CH's. I thought I would need to complete 2 Form 1229's as well but on the main front page Question 2 says "Give details of each child for whom you give permission to be granted an Australian Visa" and it has options for 4 children. I presume I can just put both of our children's details in that section and then we only need to submit the 1 Form 1229?

2) On the penultimate page of 47CH (the signatures section) who is required to sign section 57 & 58? So far I have just signed myself at 57 (Australian Values Statement) as I've completed the app on behalf of my child so I'm signing as the main applicant. At 58 (Biometrics Declaration & Consent) it mentions it should be signed by the main applicant (me on behalf of my child) and also by each accompanying person aged 16 or over. Does this mean that as we as parents will be accompanying our children to Australia that both parents also need to sign this section? That's what it seems like to me anyway. 

3). I've seen people mention that you need to provide proof of funds, presumably in connection with the sponsorship, but I've not seen that requested on any of the forms? I know I have to provide payslips to show my employment for the last 2 years (I assume I don't need every payslip, just a few from the beginning and some from recently I hopefully to prove the 2 years?). Are there other proof of funds required as well then?


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