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Car Insurance


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Hi all,


We are moving back to the UK, flights booked for August and are just trying to finalise shipments etc.


With help from family we have managed to buy a car that will be ready to go when we land in the UK. My question is in regards to car insurance.


I have looked briefly on compare the market and the quotes I'm receiving are very high. I guess my questions are:


- is it just because car insurance is expensive in the UK or do insurance companies just not like to insure expats who have not driven in the uk for a while (7 years in our case)

- can anyone recommend any companies that are cheaper than others for people in this situation?


Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.




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The best think to do in the UK for car insurance is to get as many quotations as possible. Main comparison websites are moneysupermarket.com, comparethemarket, gocompare. I would also look at the moneysavingexpert,com website this was set up by Martin Lewis and can be a wealth of information, would love to find a similar one for Australia.

In general the insurance companies ask a lot more questions about you and your history than in Australia. I was always paying a premium in the UK because I was born in Australia, despite living in the UK from the age of 15. Best ways to reduce premiums are to check if you need cover for business, your commute to work (Many insurers charge more for this in the UK now!), where is the car to be kept overnight and ultimately the make/model of the car seems to have a bigger impact in the UK than in Australia.

Did you keep a record of your previous no claims history in the UK or remember your previous insurer as they may be prepared to honour the amount you had built up, but it will depend on the insurer. Also make sure that you take a copy of your Australian no claims record it may help. I was amazed last year that my Australian insurer accepted a 10 years no claims from a UK insurer and gave me a rating one here.

Otherwise good luck.




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I arrived in the UK 2 months ago. I called Aviva, explained my situation, emailed them my no claims cert. from my Aussie insurance. Very helpful, they recognised my no claims and despite no credit history I could pay over 12 months. 

I'll stick with them for a year then start looking around but they're a good company to initially deal with.

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@Buyer71, we will be in the same position as you next year. Not too sure about you, but we have not needed to get a car over here, so we have not even got any no claims bonus here to take back with us. On the whole (from what we have heard) insurance prices seem to have gone up. Hopefully, you may be able to use any NCB that you have built up here. We will go and see our broker who we used when we were in the UK and see if they can do anything for us.


It would be very interesting to hear what you find out though. Just done a quick duckduckgo search and there appears to be a few ex pat insurers out there or people who will deal with us, but it all depends how much it will cost.

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