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New in Sydney. Looking for a social life

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Hi, I'm Dan, a 36 year old teacher from the UK currently trying to settle in and look for long term accommodation and work. Been pretty busy, but i only know 2 people in the whole city. If anyone is up for a social, beer, wine, food, non-alcohol related event, chat about nonsense (but not sport cus im not that interested lol) whatever, i would be up for that. Also dining out alone is not a lot of fun either and i haven't tried vietnamese or the infamous aussie indian yet. Maybe someone knows of a cluby/class/group that's interesting. I plan to go to some salsa classes when i find one with a good atmosphere. 

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I just had another look at that Meetup website, specifically this group - and there will be loads like it where you will meet the same kind of people who are in Poms in OZ. If you are into a sport/hobby/watching footie you can probably find a group that is into it. I noticed a new dance studio has opened in Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, just down the road from me. http://sydneytangohouse.com.au/

I have some young Pommie mates who started their social lives in Sydney by joining a squash league at Hiscoes gym in Crown Street, Surry Hills. If there is a pub near you see if they run a quiz night. Many pubs do. I do one at the Strawberry Hills hotel, or I did until I started working on week nights.



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