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Working Holiday Visa - Processing Times


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Hi there,


I applied for my First WHV around 6 weeks ago and am yet to receive a decision. 

A few days after I applied the DIBP requested some more documents. (Police certificate, Court doc, Character declaration). I submitted these documents ASAP (within 6 days) of the request and confirmed I had provided all information requested.

I have tried phoning the office dealing with my application as it is now well beyond the advised 29 day processing time, (after spending about £40 on phone calls) only to be told it's completely out of the departments hands once more information has been requested and is down to a third party, (Police I assume) without the agent even taking a reference number. The first guy I spoke to did take my reference number and was actually checking for me and the call was dropped. Extremely frustrating to sit on hold for 45 minutes, only to be told they won't even be taking a reference number to check the status. Incredibly difficult to get through to the office, with massive hold times and expense.


Anyway, my question is does anyone have experience in applying for 417 Visa with a drink driving conviction? And if so, how long did it take for the department to make a decision? The conviction was 5 years ago, I've rehabilitated and I was completely up front and honest about it on my application and character declaration.


Any help would be appreciated! 



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