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Videographer with sponsorship - Do I qualify as 'Skilled'?


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I've been offered a sponsorship from a creative company. We have built a strong relationship and want to continue working together.

I have had some advice but still struggling with a few concepts.

I have qualifications and experience in my creative field. As a videographer can I apply for a skilled migration?

I was hoping for applying for the Regional Skilled Migration (187) but told that the employer would have to pay me a certain amount - is this correct?

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Hi Meagan, you are probly talking more about Sponsored Migration, the 187 visa requires you to be in a regional area; and for your employer to be employing you full time at a market rate of salary. So, casual or part time work would not meet the requirements. If you'd like to discuss your eligibility please don't hesitate to contact me, as there would be quite a few things that need to be looked at before anyone could assess whether your proposed employment might work for a visa.

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Hi Leanne,

Thank you for your response.

The work will be full time but my salary will not be above $50,000 when I begin my role (which I heard was a requirement on the Sponsored Migration visa 187?). I believe I have logged a request on Emergico's website but it would be great to talk over email if possible. Thanks.

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