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LOdging the expression of interest

Judge Dredd

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Hey guys, Happy New Year to all :-)


Just a quick question, my partner and I were thinking of lodging our expression of interest this week as the timing suits us slightly better now than later (for personal reasons).


It will be a 189 visa with myself as her partner. She sat her IELTS exam last Saturday and is pretty confident she got at least 7 on all the parts but the results won't be out till the 20th.


My question is that if we lodge our expression of interest and state she has got the 10 VISA points from the IELTS exam, will the fatc that the results haven't been published yet come back to bite us later?


I'm thinking about it in terms of it being construed as lying on the expression of interest by stating she has achieved a mark on her IELTS exam when the results haven't been published yet.


I'm just wondering if it's better to play it safe and wait for the results to come out first, we'd hate to have a nasty surpirsesomewhere down the line.


I'll be calling the Europe Service Centre tomorrow as well to double check, but any info before hand, either way, would be greatly appreciated.


Cheers :-)

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Guest Woolich85



I heard once that a visa was refused, one of the reasons was that the skills assessment date was after the EOI invitation. I would say hold fire until you know, as the EOI will ask for the exact score. I did PTE, so mine is slightly different, but I had to put the score from each unit down.


I did my EOI two weeks ago.


Hope this helps, and good luck!!


Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

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