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confused ??


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Hi, im currently training to be an electrician with the hope of moving to australia but i'm really confused as to how to go about the whole process .. we've been looking online but there's so much jargon we don't know what the process is ? Once qualified in the UK what would i need to do/provide to the immigration dept in order to further our application??

many thanks


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You'll need some paid work experience as a full time electrician if you want a skilled visa for Australia. Skills assessments for electricians are two-stage processes - an initial 'paper-based' assessment of your work experience and qualifications, and then once approved, a practical test undertaken at an authorised venue. As a result of this you will be awarded an Offshore Technical skills Record (OTSR)and a skills result letter.


The skills result letter must be used to apply for a visa.

The OTSR can be used to apply for a provisional licence once you get to Australia. The provisional licence will allow you to work as an electrician on a supervised basis while you undertake additional part time training in Australian regulations and practises -typically a night class at an approved college, while you keep a log book detailing your ongoing work experience. Usually after around six months or so, you will be able to sit a final exam and then be approved to apply for a full electrical licence.


However, before even contemplating any of the above, you will need to be sure that you meet the basic points & eligibility requirements to apply for an Australian visa in the first place.


As you are only just undertaking your training I'm assuming that you are younger (younger than me at any rate!), so perhaps a Working Holiday Visa may be a better option than a skilled visa at this point. You could then look at onshore options. However, in the long run, the most secure route is always a permanent skilled visa, so I would suggest getting a few years of electrical experience under your belt here and then consider applying for a skilled visa in the future. Ultimately Australia wants experienced electricians.





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Hi sorry to hijack I have a query regarding the skills assessment. I am a qualified electrician from Ireland with 10years experience. I have been to Oz on 457 and have australian A grade licence also. I've emailed TRA as I am also confused which skills assessment to apply for. MSA or OSAP?

I thought it was MSA if it was just for migration purposes. It's quite expensive so don't want to go about it wrong on have to do it twice and slow down my application.



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