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Moving to Aus on working holiday visa?


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I’m going traveling for a few months in US then will be going over to Australia on a one year working holiday visa. First of all, I want to spend a couple months seeing Aus but then my main focus is finding work in IT (Network Engineer), getting an apartment and enjoying life over there. I don’t really have a timescale for how long to stay for but just don’t want to be booted out the country! :) So the first few questions I have are:





  • Which city is best to be in for IT work? I’ve been looking online and all roads seem to lead to Melbourne but wondering if anybody has other experiences?
  • Working in IT on my visa? On my visa it mentions that I must move jobs every three months and have to include agriculture work - is this strictly applied? I’ve heard stories of other folk in IT starting work under their working holiday visa however employer has negotiated a permanent visa - is this common or likely?




Any advise would be awesome :)




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You should familiarise yourself with the WHV rules and regs. Its pretty clear cut what the visa allows you to do.




TBH I'd not bank on getting a great job in IT on a WHV. You are limited to 6 months with one employer and many are looking for longer term and will opt for people who can fit that bill.


The sponsorship option is possible but again, I'd not bank on it or expect it. There is a lot of competition for jobs and not sure if your skills will line up with sponsorship or if its available as the list can and does change.

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Àre you coming on a British Passport? if so


1) Melbourne or Sydney are gonna be the places with the most possibilities, however other states have a reasonable demand for a good network tech.


2) Not sure where you have read the 3 month rule, never heard of that. Its 6 months. 3 Months regional work in a specified industry will allow you to extend your visa for another year.


3) If you secured a job as a network tech and have a good amount of exp in different areas, I would say it would be likely the company could offer a longer visa such as a 457 and then on possibly sponsor you as on a more permanent visa.


This is all just if and maybe.. come to aus give it a try and see what happens ;-)

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You should familiarise yourself with the WHV rules and regs. Its pretty clear cut what the visa allows you to do.




TBH I'd not bank on getting a great job in IT on a WHV. You are limited to 6 months with one employer and many are looking for longer term and will opt for people who can fit that bill.


The sponsorship option is possible but again, I'd not bank on it or expect it. There is a lot of competition for jobs and not sure if your skills will line up with sponsorship or if its available as the list can and does change.


Thanks here's hoping I can try and land a job and see how it goes ;) Maybe IT contracting is more worth a shot if I'm being limited to 6 months at a time.

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Àre you coming on a British Passport? if so


1) Melbourne or Sydney are gonna be the places with the most possibilities, however other states have a reasonable demand for a good network tech.


2) Not sure where you have read the 3 month rule, never heard of that. Its 6 months. 3 Months regional work in a specified industry will allow you to extend your visa for another year.


3) If you secured a job as a network tech and have a good amount of exp in different areas, I would say it would be likely the company could offer a longer visa such as a 457 and then on possibly sponsor you as on a more permanent visa.


This is all just if and maybe.. come to aus give it a try and see what happens ;-)


Awesome, yeah Il'l probs see which city I prefer in that case and try land a job there :D Only another 9 months til I'm over so plenty prep time :D

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If you do 3 months regional work then you can get a second WHV which increases your chances of gaining good contacts. It may be worth getting this done when you first arrive to give you that option.


You can work for an employer for up to 6 months which certainly makes it more challenging but at least in IT contracts are pretty normal & I've employed people on WHV who both then went on to get 457 visas (one with me, one with another company).


Just be prepared to take any job to get a foot in the door, although be aware to eventually get permanent residency you will need to have the appropriate qualifications and experience for a role on the SOL. My OH migrated as a Network Security Specialist but I don't know if that is on the SOL anymore.

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If you do 3 months regional work then you can get a second WHV which increases your chances of gaining good contacts. It may be worth getting this done when you first arrive to give you that option.


You can work for an employer for up to 6 months which certainly makes it more challenging but at least in IT contracts are pretty normal & I've employed people on WHV who both then went on to get 457 visas (one with me, one with another company).


Just be prepared to take any job to get a foot in the door, although be aware to eventually get permanent residency you will need to have the appropriate qualifications and experience for a role on the SOL. My OH migrated as a Network Security Specialist but I don't know if that is on the SOL anymore.


Yeah I suppose that getting the three months out of way at the start is a good plan, at least gives me a year and a half to get my head down and find a job! Are agriculture jobs easy to come by do you know? I presume the wages will be pretty low but suppose I can bite the bullet for a short while :)


Just discovered the SOL, never knew about it and it seems my job role is on that list. What exactly does the SOL mean can I ask? All new to me :)


Thank you!

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