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People with Anti Social Personality Disorder


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On 14/12/2016 at 7:08 PM, BritChickx said:

I posted this under health because it's mental health. Just curious as to what people's experiences are - bad ones I assume. Apologies in advance if this upsets or offends anyone, I've never seen a thread like this on PIO before so I realise It's a delicate subject. It's estimated 1 percent of the population have some kind ASPD

I agree with everyone steer clear.


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you have to understand the personality disorders are a recent invention and by and large have come about due to the us insurance system.
Basically if it's not an "illness" then you get no cover for it for the insurance and can't get financial help to pay for the bills that this incurs.
To a certain extent psychiatrists obliged by creating these groups - they do have some element of truth to them: ie some people do have
anancastic traits or borderline traits and the Cluster B personalities do exhibit a lot of somatisation (ie they will be more likely to present to hospital
with non-organic issues - unable to swallow, upper airway sounds - that are not physical issues but are created by their personality. Same for parasuicidal
behaviour.) it's slightly scary to see some of these people proudly declare they have a personailty disorder - and this brings us back to the issue of these "illnesses":
there is no agreed treatment of theses PDs - there have been attempts at them but ask any psychiatrist and they'll tend to agree with this. One thing there tried in the UK
with borderline PDs was having them live in a centre together and anyone joining the centre had to be approved by all; whenever anyone tried a parasucide attempt, everyone in the centre would be woken up and would have to stay up  whilst the issue was being resolved. This attempt at flipping the tables on them (so they can realise how their behaviour impacts on others and how tiring it is to live with people behaving like this) had some effect and was by far the most promising treatment attempted so far but hugely expensive to the tax payer.

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