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Resident return visa for a contributory parent visa that is expiring


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Hi, my parents hold a contributory parent visa, with my brother (24 yrs) as a dependent. The visa is due to expire in March 2017. Due to work and study commitments, they have visited Australia numerous time over the past 4 years with the plan to move permantly in Jan 2017. All was going to plan until recently the sales contract on their house has fallen through and it is unlikely that they will find another buyer until the new year. I would be very appreciative of any advise regarding if they would be eligible for a resident return visa so that they can stay and finalise the sale of their house before moving over together, which may be May/June once the house is settled. They have each spent about 6 months in total in Oz over the past 4 years, with there most recent visit 2 months ago. Many thanks

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Hi Elizabeth,


The critical issue here is that although the Department might approve an RRV, it's discretionary and on balance from your description I don't think it will necessarily work out, therefore you should be getting appropriate professional advice and be prepared to have them all arrive before the visa expiry. There is a short-term extension available in situations like this but you can't be sure that it will be offered.




George Lombard

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Thanks again George for your reply. Do you think we would be likely to get a RRV granted for my father only if my mother and brother had already moved over and he was just staying behind to finalise the sale of the house? We will seek professional advice but just wondering if you thought this could be a viable option. Thanks in advance

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