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7 PTE Exam Day Tips


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1) Double check the venue and time of the exam to make sure that you have not confused the day/time/venue:cry:. Make sure you know how to get there and keep sufficient buffer for travel time and other uncertainties. If your test center is very far away, aim to be there at least an hour before the exam. About 30 minutes before the exam, the coordinator will take your bio-metrics and will brief everyone on the standard exams do’s and don’ts.

2) You need to remain alert and sharp throughout the exam. A good night's sleep before the exam helps. It will also help if you have a balanced breakfast that will give you sustainable energy to make it through. I recommend going for something that normally works for you. Bananas are always a good option. Avoid very heavy meals and eat nothing risky.

3) Caffeine found in coffee is an effective temporary stimulant and its effects usually last for about 3-4 hours. Caffeine improves performance on vigilance tasks and simple tasks that require sustained response(1). Not having the luxury of making a cup of coffee at the exam hall, I took a small sachet and washed it down with some water half hour before the exam just for the caffeine effect. Personally, this helped keep me alert. Important: Everybody is different and can have a different effect. So if you plan to use this, try this few days before the actual exam and see how you feel. (1)source- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12204388

4) Before leaving home, check that you have carried your ID copy (Passport) or you may not be allowed to sit for the exam. You are not allowed to carry any personal belongings(watch, wallets, etc.) into the exam. You will be given small locker to keep anything you may have carried.

5) Go to the toilet before the exam starts. There is no literally no time to waste in the actual exam. You will get an optional 10 minute break after the reading section. I strongly suggest taking the break, using this time to freshen up and clear you mind.

6) Don’t spend more time than you planned on a particular section/question or you might run out of time to answer other questions and lose those extra marks!

7) You will be given an opportunity to test your equipment before the exam starts. Spend this time testing the mic, reading out loud and replaying back to make sure you sound right. The Test Administrator will provide you with an Erasable Note Board Booklet and marker pen so that you can take notes during the test. Test both the pens given to make sure they are working. Remember to close the cap after usage to ensure they don’t dry up and stop working.


If you face any technical issues or problems that could impact your score. Make sure to inform the test administrator so they can deal with it appropriately.


BEST OF LUCK FOR YOUR EXAM:xmas24: and don't forget to share your EXPERIENCE...:hug:

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