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I will de able to submit my EOI in a few week. (I realise we need to be invited)My question is do I have to wait for a request for my co for medicals when the time comes or can I have the medicals soon? If so how long will they last? The reason been is because me and my wife wish to try for a baby and wouldn't want X-rays while pregnant.

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I will de able to submit my EOI in a few week. (I realise we need to be invited)My question is do I have to wait for a request for my co for medicals when the time comes or can I have the medicals soon? If so how long will they last? The reason been is because me and my wife wish to try for a baby and wouldn't want X-rays while pregnant.


Medcals are valid for twelve months. There is nothing to stop you doing them early, but it is recommended to wait because they can expire and they shorten the length of time you have to make the initial entry to Australia, which will be one year from the date of the medicals. This is something you need to think about because your timings might mean haven't to make that trip either pregnant or with a young baby, which not everybody might want to do.


It would also mean that you get your visa, but then when baby comes along they don't have a visa and you would then have to go through a child visa application process. More time and money.


Personally, I would start the visa process and then if a pregnancy comes along I would actually delay the medicals until after the baby is born, add baby to application and then all get visa at the same time.

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