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Medicals status on Immi account


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Does anyone know if your Immi account shows whether your medical has been referred to MOC? My family's medicals were uploaded last Thursday and all had the same message 'health clearance provided-no action required' however my daughter, at the end of September, had an operation to correct a heart arrhythmia, which was successful but the panel doctor said he may have to refer to MOC. Does this message mean it hasn't been referred or do you not know it's been referred until CO tells you or makes some form of contact?


Anyone have any ideas?


Thanks :smile:

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I would say that if it says 'health clearance provided - no further action required' that is exactly what it means - everyone is cleared.


When I came out to Oz on a 457 I was medically referred and had almost immediate contact from my Case Officer explaining what the process was and what would happen next. All good for me in the end, nor further action.


Maybe someone else can provide further info for you - good luck :smile:

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