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Hi everyone,

Im just starting out and hit a wall already... so im hoping i can get a bit of info.

I have worked in IT within the gaming industry for 5 years now with the same company.

I would just like to know would i come under :[TABLE=width: 1]


[TD]Computer Network and Systems Engineer[/TD]






How am i supposed to go for an assessment without knowing this?

Hoping someone can shed some light for me.


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Hi 1090jh -


Great question. If you go to the ACS website at http://acs.org.au and look in the skilled migration area, you'll see a downloadable file which has expanded descriptions of each of the occupations ACS assesses - you can use these expanded detailed descriptions to determine which of the occupations your skills/experience/education most closely matches.


Hope this helps -




Mark Northam

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Thank you for that wow a lot of reading....!

so yes im looking at 263111, now i have been working for 5 years in this job and the only qualifications i have is a HNC from college will that combination be enough to get my skills assessed?

if so great if not can i then go on to try RPL? but if i do RPL i dont think i will have enough points (if ive read correctly i dont get any points if its a RPL)...

im so confused right now !


could someone please help


thanking you





Hi 1090jh -


Great question. If you go to the ACS website at http://acs.org.au and look in the skilled migration area, you'll see a downloadable file which has expanded descriptions of each of the occupations ACS assesses - you can use these expanded detailed descriptions to determine which of the occupations your skills/experience/education most closely matches.


Hope this helps -




Mark Northam

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