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How long does it take Medicare card to arrive after registration?


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Hey guys, very quick question.


Going to my Medicare appointment in an hour or so and just wondering if they give you the card there and then or if you have to have it posted out to you? Need to sort my drivers license and need Medicare card as an evidence item (got bank card and passport but need 3), I'll do it all today if I can get the card right away then head down to Transport.




QLD if that matters.


Edit: Hmm.... If visa counts as a document proving identity, may not need Medicare card as that will hit three required IDs.

Edited by GeoSurfer
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Thanks, I got it on a piece of paper as you said. She said minimum 3 weeks but she said she might have done it wrong with the address so that's reassuring. It's absolutely ridiculous they employ people to type in the details I wrote down when it would be much cheaper for them and much easier for the public if we could just do it online ourselves.


I don't have my birth certificate but hopefully what I have is enough for drivers, I need to find an Aus doctor now because I have an eye condition which I need to prove won't affect my driving despite having a UK letter from my eye specialist saying it won't.


Really need to embrace the digital age, thank God I don't live in the sticks or it would be even more of an inconvenience.

Edited by GeoSurfer
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