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Visa Process


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Please help!!!!


I am wanting to start the Visa application process but basically I don't know what to do!


I need to do the skills select to see if I am able to be granted a visa and what kind of visa I would be able to get.

My main issue is, if I am granted a visa how long do I have to enter Australia before it is no longer valid?


How can I start the process? and how much will it cost for me to see if I am eligible for a visa?


Many thanks




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Hello Claire.


Assuming you are looking at a skilled visa:


> Have you looked at the requirements for a migration skills assessment for your occupation?


> Have you reviewed the number of points you can reasonably secure for a general skilled visa?


Maybe discuss with two or three migration agent to confirm your eligibility for a visa, how the agent can assist, and their fees? Most are happy to have an initial no obligation initial conversation.


Best regards.

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Thank you, I am looking at a couple of options, but the main one would be CSOL as I don't have anything on the SOL... Any recommendations of agents to use? I am currently emailing Visa Bureau but it would be helpful to have a couple of others.


Many thanks




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