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Next steps after invite to apply for 189 visa


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Hi, I submitted my EOI at the start of the month and luckily received an invitation to apply for a Skilled Independent visa (189) in the first September round. This was much quicker than expected so I'm in a slightly awkward position of being able to apply for the permanent visa before arriving on my planned date of the 15th October on the Working Holiday Visa. I'm wondering if someone can help clarify the next steps as any links to the application checklist on the ImmiAccount website are no longer working.


So I believe all the following is correct



  • I have 60 days from invitation date to apply for the visa
  • Application involves filling out a form repeating information from the EOI form, but no supporting documents (proof of points claimed).
  • After payment for the visa I will be allocated an officer who will instruct me to submit supporting documents and arrange Police and Health checks
  • I should wait until after being instructed to gather the Police & Health check documents to avoid complication with the process / associating results with my application
  • I can apply for the visa in or outside Australia



So from above I think my best course of action would be to wait until I'm in Australia after 15th October to apply when I'm no longer in between places, and to wait until instructed to gather Police and Health checks.


Could someone confirm if above is sensible and correct?




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