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Partner 801/820 Visa - more info requested


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Hi everyone!


I applied for my temp partner visa in august 2015 and scrimped and scraped every bit of evidence I could possibly find. I have plenty of statements from friends and family, bank statement (for joint and personal showing transfers) and all the usual thanks to this forum for helping me know what to include.


However, I have now had an e-mail requesting for more info (and have seen someone else who seems to haave received a similar e-mail)


They are asking for

Evidence of length of de facto relationship (at least 12 months) - which I thought came with our mail dates and msgs and pics and statements and bank accnts etc I uploaded




Evidence of your relationship with your de facto partner (financial aspects, nature of household, social aspects and our commitments to each other).


It seems like a bit of a generic email and I am just wondering if they want more details personally for my partner and I telling our true versions, or whether they will want to interview us.

I'm just feeling a bit worried and annoyed, and feel that if they did just take the time to interview us and meet us it would mean and be worth a lot more than just words on paper....

thoughts anyone????

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They are asking for evidence that is required and listed in the booklet to submit. Its not extra. Its what you are supposed to submit. I am wondering if you misunderstood what was expected and overlooked the supporting statement part from you both.


Did you both write supporting statements? That is the evidence of your relationship with your de facto partner part, in your own words. I wrote 4 pages A4 typed, husband wrote 5 pages handwritten. Covered our entire timeline with all the different aspects. How we met, how long we dated, when we decided to move in together, when we did move in together etc. How we supported each other emotionally, financially and covered our social interests and things we did together. Obviously we wrote our own but made sure we agreed on the dates we were giving. But our statements were very different in terms of content after that as of course, he plays cricket, I don't. But I go and support him, so said that. He supported me emotionally through my PND after our baby was born. How he was the main earner at the time, I worked part time so he paid most of the bigger bills etc. And then our plans for the future together. That sort of thing.


Did you include a bill from each of the 12 months prior to lodging showing you both at the same address or individual bills listing you both at the same address? A rental agreement naming you both? Or a letter from your landlord saying you lived there if not on the tenancy? Don't rely on mail dates, messages between each other, pictures and bank statements as enough evidence, least I would not if it were me applying. Apart from the bank statements, those other things would be extras I would only add in if I felt my application needed it (which for me, if it had all the bills etc it should not). And then I'd probably only submit a few pictures.


You want a proper paper trail that is clear to see. I think we included something like 4 or 5 regular bills for the year to cover the 12 months and also bank statements for our joint account for the full 12 months. We submitted a bill for each of the 12 months prior to lodging in either both or one of our names. I paid the phone and car insurance, he paid electric and water. We both were named on the council tax though he paid it so sent a few of those in also. We included wills and life insurance policy naming the other. Also car insurance where we were both named on it.


It sounds to me like you've not submitted enough actual paper evidence for them to make a decision, hence them asking for more.


ETA - The supporting statement part is still included in the online application iirc. Obviously you don't write it by hand :)

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[h=4]History of your relationship:[/h]


  • Statements from you and your partner about:
    • how, when and where you first met
    • how your relationship developed
    • when you decided to marry or to start a de facto relationship
    • your domestic arrangements (how you support each other financially, physically and emotionally and when this level of commitment began)
    • any periods of separation (when and why the separation occurred, for how long and how you maintained your relationship during the period of separation)
    • your future plans.



    [*][h=4]Financial evidence of your relationship:[/h]


    • Documents to show that you and your partner share financial commitments and responsibilities, such as:
      • evidence of any joint ownership of real estate or other major assets (for example, cars, appliances) and any joint liabilities (for example, loans, insurance)
      • sharing of finances
      • legal commitments that you and your partner have undertaken as a couple
      • evidence that you and your partner have operated joint bank accounts for a reasonable period of time
      • sharing of household bills and expenses.




    [h=4]The nature of the household:[/h]


    • Documents to show that you and your partner share responsibilities in your household, such as:
      • your living arrangements
      • a statement about the way housework is distributed
      • joint ownership or joint rental of the house in which you live
      • joint utilities accounts (electricity, gas, telephone)
      • joint responsibility for bills for day-to-day living expenses
      • joint responsibility for children
      • correspondence addressed to both you and your partner at the same address.




    [h=4]Social context of the relationship:[/h]


    • Documents to show how your relationship with your partner is seen by your friends and family will be considered, such as:
      • evidence that you and your partner are usually accepted as a couple socially (for example, joint invitations, going out together, friends and acquaintances in common)
      • statutory declarations from your partner’s parents, family members, relatives and other friends about their assessment of the nature of your relationship
      • evidence that you and your partner have declared your relationship to government bodies, commercial or public institutions or authorities, joint membership of organisations or groups
      • evidence of joint participation in sporting, cultural or social activities
      • joint travel.




    [h=4]The nature of your commitment to each other:[/h]


    • Documents to show your commitment to each other:
      • knowledge of each other’s personal circumstances (for example, background and family situation, which could be established at interview)
      • intention that your relationship will be long-term (for example, the extent to which you have combined your affairs)
      • the terms of your wills
      • correspondence and itemised phone accounts to show that contact was maintained during any period of separation.



      [*]If you are living in a de facto relationship, provide one of the following:


      • evidence that you have been in the relationship for at least 12 months before you apply for this visa
      • evidence that of compelling and compassionate reasons for applying before the 12 month period has passed
      • evidence that you have registered your relationship in Australia with the relevant state or territory authority.








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hey, thanks for the help.


For some reason I have missed the supporting statement that you had just talked about. I have had all the Stat decs done but I guess they are different.

I've got a lot more evidence than what I mentioned above but I will go through it all again.

I guess it was hard as when we did start living together we weren't expecting to be getting this VISA so it's not as if we were able to fully prep from the very beginning.

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Yes, the stat decs are totally different things. Those are from people who know you and are vouching for your relationship being genuine. And they are witnessed.


Your supporting statements, from both you and your partner need to cover the things listed.

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