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Prospective Marriage Visa 300 Offshore UK


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Hi katemav26


I've applied for this visa too from the UK...am moving to Melbourne to be with my partner. I lodged my visa by paper on 6th April 2016 and first had contact from case officer (N) at the end of June asking for a few more bits of paperwork. After sorting this I was then e-mailed to arrange a medical and police check with timescale of 70 days. Had medical at Spire, Little Aston, (can recommend) on 2nd August from which there were a few queries. Long story but ended up paying privately to get a test done to eliminate TB!! Now uploaded medical and police check so not sure now how long til grant of visa. No indication given yet...now waiting :)


Hope this is of some help! Good to know someone else who's applying for the same visa...

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Hi! Thanks wow I hope it's granted for you soon!! Iv been here 3 months it's going so slow I lived in Brisbane for 3 years and Melbourne for a year so will be going back to Brisbane! I herd some say 70 days some say within 21 days? I hope it's fast it's only been 1 month and it feels like forever lol! are you away from your partner? I am and won't be able to see him until it's granted hope it's before Christmas! Keep me updated on how you go! Fingers crossed its soon for you!



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Am thinking they have all the info required now so hoping it's fairly soon...who knows though? I live in Leicester...been over to Melbourne 3 times during the last 2 years so am quite used to being apart from my partner but still don't like it!! We were last together in March and have provisionally set a date to get married in October but looking like we will have to postpone...living in limbo!


The 70 days timescale sounded for ever at the time but it did actually take 2 months to get medical issues sorted. Have to say when I first got an e-mail from Immigration I didn't realise it was from them, thought it was spam and deleted it...ooops!



I'll keep you updated on progress...let me know how you go too :)

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Oh wow that's crazy I haven't been apart from mine before lol so this 3 months so far is awful, surley should be soon now, I'm in Stoke, yeah we have ours booked for 29/07/17 may have to be brought forward by a few weeks depending when I get mine granted, did you do yours yourself? I ended up using a migration lawyer didn't want to miss anything lol especially not how expensive it was, yes it's awful living in limbo I just want to be there haha! I should hopefully hear something then in the next 4 weeks maybe fingers crossed! Yes will keep you updated :)



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Yes did the application myself...SO much paperwork spanning decades! My partner and I first knew each other 34 years ago at school in the UK and have in the last 3 years got together (didn't know he had moved to Oz) so had to prove genuine relationship etc.


Keep checking your inbox and keep busy as the time seems to pass more quickly :)


Just FYI my medical was £320 and was arranged within 2 weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So...Yesterday was my VISA grant Day!!!! 5 months and 14 days - (one week after medical uploaded) not bad going as that includes one month of me having to sort out a medical query. Have you heard anything yet Katemav26? Maybe my Case Officer (N) will be onto yours next :)




PMV 300 lodged 6 April 2016 London, ACRO police check July, medical 2/8/2016, grant 21/9/2016

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Omg that's fantastic news! Congratulations you must be over the moon! So happy for you!!!! How exciting! Get your flights booked now [emoji3].. not herd a thing yet :( still waiting for an email checking various times a day haha fingers crossed soon! When's your wedding? A woman messaged me saying they can't grant earlier than 8 months before the booked wedding so I'm hoping that's the case lol over waiting and it's only been 6 weeks lol



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Thank you...yes can't quite believe it! So much to organise/sell/donate/re-home (ginger cat :(). Much list making to do...We'd booked marriage celebrant for end October but due to partner's work commitments will probably make it a bit later. Visa specifies it has to be within 9 months from date of grant. Fingers crossed you hear more soon!

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Ohh ok, I spoke to someone here who said their c/o said they can't grant any earlier than 8 months before wedding date hoping that's the case as mine is July so hoping they grant it before xmas lol wishful thinking!! Well good luck let me know how it all goes :)



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