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457 company restructure help

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Can anyone tell me if it is possible to transfer a 457 visa to a company that owns the existing sponsor company?


Then owners, job description hasnt changed and the owner is telling us that we can do a simple transfer without the need to start our 2 years again. Is this possible?


We have been here for 3.5 years with the same sponsor and was about to submit for the 186 visa but the lawyer has flagged up that the sponsor doesnt meet the training benchmark. The new larger 'umbrella' company that the smaller business (we have be told) sits under, does however meet the training.


We have been kept in the dark by the lawyer and the bosses so we are just trying to figure this out :confused:

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yes, we have been in touch with several agents and have sent back questionnaires and are waiting on feedback.

we have been told by one agent that it all depends on the company and they would need a lot more detail.


i was hoping that maybe someone could advise as we actually have no idea what our rights or position is and we are extremely worried.


Please feel free to help if you know where we stand. Thanks

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