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189 visa form filling questions...please help


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I would be grateful for a couple of pointers please for completing the 189 visa application.


We we have been really lucky and received an invitation to apply within a few days of submitting our EOI.


I am a nurse with 2.5 years experience I claimed 65 points for age (30), degree (nursing), IELTS (superior) I did not claim for experience. I am applying with my partner of 13yrs but he has no relevant experience/qualifications so no points there.


My queries are...


1) Whilst filling out out the form, we have been asked for my partner's secondary qualifications and work history. Although we are happy to provide this- his highest qualification is GCSE's- do I need to list all of his qualifications even though they are not relevant.


We we have listed his 10 years work experience with a brief explanation of duties as requested to which there are no significant gaps. However he did work in France for an English ski company receiving an wage via his English bank account for 6 months within this 10 year period but he was still registered as living at home- does this count as living abroad and do we have to provide anything in specific for this.


2) I am a British citizen through having a British mother. I was born in South Africa and moved to the uk with my family when I was 11. I have only ever held a SA passport as a child and now I only have a British passport. I have obviously provided all This information I.e. Birth certificate.


But it has asked me if I have lived in another country and what the address was and when I moved....I can provide part of this details but I was a child and I don't really have any records to this effect as they are most likely held by my parents who I know will not have this information.



3) we have submitted requests for our police checks already and are planning on waiting for them before submitting the application. My partner received a caution about 11 years ago and we have declared this and listed it on the visa. Again we have no evidence of this apRt from the pending police check. Do you think this will affect our visa application in any way.


Any my help is much appreciated. If this post is not appropriately posted in this section would someone please relocate it.


Kind regards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Larad86,


Hope this helps:



1) Whilst filling out out the form, we have been asked for my partner's secondary qualifications and work history. Although we are happy to provide this- his highest qualification is GCSE's- do I need to list all of his qualifications even though they are not relevant.


We we have listed his 10 years work experience with a brief explanation of duties as requested to which there are no significant gaps. However he did work in France for an English ski company receiving an wage via his English bank account for 6 months within this 10 year period but he was still registered as living at home- does this count as living abroad and do we have to provide anything in specific for this.


As long as you are not claiming points for your partner then his employment and his qualifications are not relevant. When we submit applications for our clients and they are not claiming partner points, we just write "not relevant, as we are not claiming partner points".


But you may both have to fill out a Form 80, where you will have to list everything anyway, so you might as well wait until you have to complete these details on the Form 80.


2) I am a British citizen through having a British mother. I was born in South Africa and moved to the uk with my family when I was 11. I have only ever held a SA passport as a child and now I only have a British passport. I have obviously provided all This information I.e. Birth certificate.


But it has asked me if I have lived in another country and what the address was and when I moved....I can provide part of this details but I was a child and I don't really have any records to this effect as they are most likely held by my parents who I know will not have this information.


Just complete the information to the best of your knowledge. For example, if you don't know your full last address in SA, but you do know the city that you lived in, just write in the city name in all the address lines and either leave the postcode blank or put 1111 or 1234. Again, you may be asked to complete Form 80s and then you will have to replicate this information again anyway.


3) we have submitted requests for our police checks already and are planning on waiting for them before submitting the application. My partner received a caution about 11 years ago and we have declared this and listed it on the visa. Again we have no evidence of this apRt from the pending police check. Do you think this will affect our visa application in any way.

No, as long as this has been declared on the visa application, and it was just a caution, that is fine. The police check (I assume you are talking about a UK police check) may come back with "no live trace", this means that there is something on the system that they don't have to list. If this happens then the Department will ask for a Subject Access Disclosure. So you might as well apply for this now.


Hope this helps.

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I really appreciate your response to the above. We have now received our police checks and as you have said, my partners has come back with 'no live trace' we have already made a note on the visa application that he has a caution- I hope this is the right thing to do. I will look into the subject access disclosure.


I I have just one more query with the visa/EOI that I have realised...

I have made what I hope to be a minor mistake on my EOI. I plan to apply as the lead applicant and claiming no points for my partner with a ttotal of 65 points. I realise now that on the EOI when asked if adding family members I did not include you partner as being on the application. Now we have been invited I plan to put him on...will this be a problem?


I believe eve it won't be a problem but wonder if anyone has done this mistake and hopefully reassure me.


I would appreciate your advice regarding this?.


thank you

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Hi again,


The EOI is really about points scoring, that is the most crucial part of the EOI. So as long as you got that part right, you should be ok. The point of the actual visa application is that you then have a chance to provide the full details. I am sure this does happen from time to time, but I can't actually understand how, since the question is quite specific and you get to review your answers), so if the question does pop up, and I doubt that it will, do have a logical answer ready.


If you are really paranoid about it, you could lodge a new EOI, where you do get all the information right, and you can wait for a new Invitation to be issued. Since you are a nurse I doubt that you will be waiting long.

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