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457 Partner Working Rights After - Last 90 days


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I am the primary holder of a 457 visa and have been let go by my sponsor. During the last 90 days of the visa in Australia (before the 457 is cancelled) is my partner entitled to keep working? Someone senior in her company has accused her of working illegally. My understanding is that she is allowed to keep working, is that correct? As now need to officially prove this would the department of immigration be the people to contact, or the fairwork ombudsman or... how do prove this?


Is there something stated in the Migration Act as I could not find anything on the department of immigration site which explicitly states a partner's working rights during these last 90 days.

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Hi Crazy8,


Just get your partner to do a VEVO check - see http://www.border.gov.au/Busi/Visa . If you wanted to highlight the inappropriateness of that colleague's advice in the business you should suggest that they do a VEVO check themselves, as every Australian employer should be doing now or if the matter is not clear you could refer them to an RMA.


You should probably also get some professional advice about the 90 days as you appear to be in a vulnerable situation.




George Lombard

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