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457 to 186 Question

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Ok so we've been here less than two weeks but we're already thinking about applying for PR when my husband's settled in his job (his employer said (during the interview) that he'd be fine to support us in this) so we're just wondering how much of a hassle exactly is it for the employer to go down the 186 Direct Entry route, and what would it cost him (I think I got a figure of $540 off the website, not sure if that's accurate?)? I guess there's no benefit to him in us having PR, other than that he would benefit from my husband's skills for more than four years...? We used a migration agent for the 457 (that he was using and we ended up paying her for our bit, too) and she was pretty useless and I ended up correcting her mistakes myself in the end, to get us over here, so not inclined to pay an agent again, and it does look relatively straight-forward...




ItchyFeet :-)

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The process for yourself is actually quite straight forward, but for your employer it is much more complex. Your company may insist on an agent because of this.

We used an agent, and she was fantastic. Your company may be fully competent in applying for the visa, but a good agent will make the whole process much smoother.


Our agent all up cost us around $5000 (inc police checks etc) All up the whole process was about $10,000 for 2 of us.

Edited by Ike
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