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Social work Brisbane


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Hi, myself and my partner have just recieved our 189 visa. I was hoping to get some advice. We are planning on moving to Brisbane area. My partner is a social worker (child protection) and we wondered if it was possible to go through the recruitment process from the UK? It would make us feel a lot better if one of us had employment sorted when we made the move. Any advice welcome.


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Hi, myself and my partner have just recieved our 189 visa. I was hoping to get some advice. We are planning on moving to Brisbane area. My partner is a social worker (child protection) and we wondered if it was possible to go through the recruitment process from the UK? It would make us feel a lot better if one of us had employment sorted when we made the move. Any advice welcome.



i am in the same line of work and I have registered with seek .au which gives me a wide range of employers currently recruiting. I have also looked directly on the local authority website for jobs in child protection. These are options you may consider as with a visa grant your partner can let recruiters know when you will be arriving to take up the position when offered.

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Hi, myself and my partner have just recieved our 189 visa. I was hoping to get some advice. We are planning on moving to Brisbane area. My partner is a social worker (child protection) and we wondered if it was possible to go through the recruitment process from the UK? It would make us feel a lot better if one of us had employment sorted when we made the move. Any advice welcome.


Look at smart jobs - the qld gov recruitment website. My oh is a social worker and obtained a permanent position before we came out.

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Thanks, my partner is applying through that website over the weekend. Good to know that a position van be obtained before moving. It will be a weight off our minds of one of us has a job to start when we arrive.

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