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Form 80/1221

Counting Stars

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I have front loaded medicals and police police checks and have been reading about these forms, are they necessary? Should I do them now? Also do we have to fill in all information about extended family etc because Hubby hasn't seen or spoken to his in over 12 years and we actually just know their names (or what they were called then as some have got married etc) and we don't know anything else about them.


Thanks in advance for any help :) xx

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I have front loaded medicals and police police checks and have been reading about these forms, are they necessary? Should I do them now? Also do we have to fill in all information about extended family etc because Hubby hasn't seen or spoken to his in over 12 years and we actually just know their names (or what they were called then as some have got married etc) and we don't know anything else about them.


Thanks in advance for any help :) xx


hi, counting stars,


I've heard that not everyone is asked to fill in form 80 but many people are. We had to do one and although they are fiddly rather than awful, they do take time, and I wished I had filled mine in earlier.


Yes you do have to fill in all the family information, including dates of birth, place of residence etc. My husband is in the same position as yours and still had to do it - even the dead ones. It's much easier seeking out info about family when you aren't pressured for time. You can download a copy from the Aus gov. Website and fill it in at your leasure. One thing I found difficult was the section asking about travel (other than to Australia ) outside the UK during the ten years prior to your application. Thankfully they seem to accept liberal use of the word 'approximately' !


good on luck with it all.

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