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Whv advice: withdrawal


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Hello again!


I posted a question a week or so ago with regards to a whv and have a follow up question.


Long story short, I'm a Canadian, working in Korea until august who wants to go to Australia on a working holiday visa (subclass 417). I applied a couple weeks ago, and was then asked to get a health check by immigration with a panel physician. I tried to get an appointment a couple times with all panel clinics in Korea and have been unsuccessful in getting appointment time within the 28 day timeline to upload medical info.


Last thread I asked about using a clinic not related with immigration, but the answer (obviously) was no and to try seeing if any of the physicians could make time for me. Again trying to get an appointment was unsuccessful.


I'm now concerned my application will be rejected because I won't have the medical information uploaded. Should I withdraw my application and try again when my contract in Korea is finished? Will there be any penalties for withdrawing?

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Why don't you just book the first available appointment with the panel physician and advise DIBP that this was the first time you could get seen? They are likely to hold off on a decision until you have the medical result if you can show that you have something booked. If you withdraw the application you will lose the lodgement charge and will have to pay again to re-lodge.

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