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Adding partner to visa


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Hi All, I have a quick question. I'm in Australia on 496 provisional visa which is now 489 visa. I'm planning to get married.

1. Can I add my spouse in my visa and bring her to Australia ? If yes

2. What are the option available for spouse visa for me ?

3. Time line and visa cost ?


Many thanks in Advance !!

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I split your post out from the other thread as you are on a different visa type and the process is different. I've given your question its own thread. Hopefully someone will have an answer for you.


Please do not keep posting the same question in lots of different threads, it gets confusing for those reading and trying to reply. Better to have it in one place. Thanks.

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Vicky, Thanks for reply. I have already checked this info on DIAC website. Its saying at the time of lodgement, however I'm already in Australia on 496. Giving you more clarity as I'm not married yet. I'm planning to get married. so, its bit confusing due to less information all over.

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