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Made redundant on 457 visa.

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Hi there,

I'm a mechy fitter on a 457 Visa but just been made redundant, I've been searching job websites and speaking to recruitment agencies but there doesn't seem to be anything about.


I'm just wondering if anyone else has found themselves in this situation recently and if so how did you go?


Also does anyone know of any companies currently looking for mechanical fitters and willing to take on 457?


I have started the ball rolling to apply for PR but just waiting on skills assessment etc In the meantime I'm keen to get back to work.


Cheers for reading.



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You'll just have to keep looking n hope u find something, happened to me..I'm in different work though but I did find somewhere else to sponsor me n then PR came in not long after...I applied for loads n loads though n had to move state for work..good luck

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