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Hello! I'm Jeanette from Mexico and I want to live in Hobart!


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Hello everyone,


I'm new in the forum! I'm going to introduce myself first :) I'm Jeanette, I'm 30 years old (almost 31 in april), I'm married with no children, I'm a graphic designer from Tijuana, Mexico and me and my husband wants to move to Hobart! We want to do the paperwork ourselfs with a visa 489! We are currently investigating about the city, and we are so excited to move there! What are your recommendations for us? Our first move was to contact a firm so they can do the paperwork for us, but... it was too expensive and we decided not to.


Anyways, thank you for your attention, any suggestion and comment will be welcomed!

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I'm sorry...I lost track of this thread. I guess Web Developer will give you a better chance than graphic designer. Unfortunately I'm no expert on paperwork needed for visas but I can answer questions about Hobart if required.

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