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Can you fail a medical for having varicose veins?


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:ssign2: Can you fail a medical for having various veins? I'm looking to apply for. A working holiday visa.

Live had treatment on my gains back in the summer and am having another operation in a weeks time? Will it be an issue as I have had treatment? Or will it be better for me to have them resolved before applying? Is the medical just questions or do you have to arrange to get an examination?

Thanks in advance for any advice :) xx

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:ssign2: Can you fail a medical for having various veins? I'm looking to apply for. A working holiday visa.

Live had treatment on my gains back in the summer and am having another operation in a weeks time? Will it be an issue as I have had treatment? Or will it be better for me to have them resolved before applying? Is the medical just questions or do you have to arrange to get an examination?

Thanks in advance for any advice :) xx


As far as I know you don't need to have a medical for a WHV.


There are certain things such as TB that would prevent a WHV being issued but varicose veins wouldn't even be an issue for a permanent visa - far more serious medical conditions are accepted.


It could increase the cost of your travel insurance though.

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Ohh fab, thank you all for your help, I was worried as mine are already pretty bad at 29 and have had to have treatment already. I thought they might be ok if they are a mild cAse but as mine are already bad and have required treatment I thought this might be an issue. Guess all I can do is have the treatment hope it's successful and apply, I will let you all know how successful I am Incase anyone asks in the future, :) x

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Which treatment did you have if you don't mind me asking? X


dont mind at all .......around 8 yrs ago i had the Sclerotherapy , in my opinion it was a complete waste of time and money , they injected foam into the veins and has left me with a permenant brown pigmentation on the leg ,that was WA Vascular Centre ......few yrs later the pain was so intense that I was told olny surgery would help , i used a fantastic surgeon he worked wonders , it was the best thing ive had done and only wished i had done it yrs earlier ........

I would just get them all done pal , taken out , dont waste your time and money on sclerotherapy as its not guaranteed , surgery more or less is and you wont feel thing once your asleep ........good luck pal

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Ohh fab thanks, yeah it's the sclerotherapy I had done last time, this time I'm having electrical probes into the vains to collapse them. It's half way between the foam and stripping them, if this doesn't work I'll go private and do the surgery, thanks for your advice, have you had any trouble since stripping them?

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