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Question re. Empoyment dates stated in visa application


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Hi there,


Question regarding my partners employment history when completing Visa in Immi account.


I am the main sponsor, and am not claiming any points for my partner so not sure why they need these details, however they have asked for employment history dates, and I don’t know them exactly as there was a couple of months temping after taking voluntary redundancy.


Should I put in approximate dates; or will this cause our visa application to be voided later down the line?


Many thanks in advance!

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Just fill everything out as accurately as possible, as long as you are honest then it wouldn't jeopardise anything.


The department want to see a degree of effort from all applicants to fulfil their criteria.


Regardless of the fact that you are not claiming anything for employment history, the answers still give them a picture of how you conduct your life and of your character. Any incomplete answers will likely delay your application significantly, and possibly cause you to be subject to additional checks.

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