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CO assigned/medicals requested


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Morning, I wonder if anyone can help please. We were assigned a CO last night after only a few weeks wait which is very quick. My question is we have been asked to submit extra employment history, medicals and Police checks within 28days, naturally we can upload the employment docs but are we able to delay the medicals by stating they are booked providing the date at the end of March. This will be more than the 28 days allowed. I know from a previous thread that the Police checks take about a week to come back so we could time those accordingly. The reason is we would personally prefer them done at the end of March so we can go out next Easter to stamp with a view to emigrating in 2020. So no rush on our application, what has thrown me is the CO allocation was taking longer but they are now coming through in weeks which I know will be good news for most.. Thanks.

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Email them and ask. However, keep in mind its a year from police check or medical, whichever is done sooner so if your police check comes back sooner, no point delaying the medical as the countdown clock will be ticking. Also I didn't think medicals could be booked more than a month in advance so you'd be telling a porky to your CO if that is still the case surely? I know when I did mine it was no more than a month ahead and the system logged it all. Delaying police check and medical to hold up your application isn't ideal IMHO. Its not like you can say the police check is taking a long time when at most its a couple of weeks, usually back in a week.


I think its a bit cheeky to defer for no good reason other than to suit your own personal preference for a validation trip and migration timeframe. 28 days is usually ample time to arrange medical and so on and I think delaying for anything other than a genuine reason isn't really a good idea IMHO. Your CO has stated this timeframe and will expect the things asked for to be submitted within this time or will go ahead and make a visa decision with the information they have to hand. Unless you have a genuine reason to delay, but I'd say its genuine reason, ie, police check from over seas taking longer than expected or living off shore and needing to plan a trip to the mainland for a medical etc. However, perhaps loads of people fib or try to defer medicals for longer to suit their validation preference and CO are ok with this.

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I think if you read the requirements carefully it should say that you must book the medicals within 28 days. We delayed ours by about another month due to family commitments but we didn't tell the CO that, we just booked it and sent the proof of booking. So all you need to do is book medicals with the medical centre and ask that they email you confirmation, then send this on to the CO as proof. As snifter says, this may delay your application, but if you aren't in a hurry then it isn't a problem.


Police checks are similar, but you can't defer for as long. You need to submit the request within the 28 days and forward the confirmation to the CO, but you will get the check back in about 10 days and it will be dated so you have to send it straight on to the CO.


Hope that helps.

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A quick note about COs asking for extra information immediately after being assigned. It seems to be a common recurring pattern recently, and it seems to be a generic ask for information by default.

They asked us the very same thing, even though our agent uploaded a lot of additional employment history, in fact more than what was needed. Additionally, they also asked for my partner's English score even though she's British, not the main applicant and not getting any points so she doesnt need to provide any English test information.


We did our medicals before and this letter actually pulls that information into the CO letter. So while the letter states give medical reports it does also say we have provided it already and we dont need to provide it again!


Looks like they have changed to process slightly by generating this standard letter to applicants to furnish all info within 28 days time. I am sure you can request for an extension if you have a genuine reason to do so. But I see there are answers before explaining you just need to book and provide proof you have started everything within 28 days. All the best



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We were in a similar situation, we wanted the visa grant to be after a certain date so we could go to my brother in laws wedding, without having to take a visa validation trip or move and fly back for the wedding. We managed to delay the visa issue date by six weeks from the request from the CO, which has given just enough extra time (we fly 2 days after the wedding)

I posted the police checks and got proof of postage on the last day of the 28 days, it was sent 2nd class and the lady at the post office kept it to one side until the post for that day had been collected to delay it further. The medicals were booked for a couple of weeks after the 28 days, but emailed conformation of medical booking and proof of postage to the CO and had no problems.

The visa was issued on the date of the first police check.

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