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Paying Tax / State Sponsorship


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hi, looking for some info from some of you experienced visa people. Any info on working and paying tax in a state that your not sponsored by


In a nutshell..


I have an Electrician friend out in Perth on a 190 (state sponsorship visa). He is coming up to the end of his 2 years in April but cant actually find work and is thinking he may need to come home to the UK. I am going out to Aus soon on a 190 visa (mechanic) and have been told that working in your state of sponsorship is only a moral obligation and that you are not so much "tied" there for the first 2 years. So i have advised my friend to try and move state to see if there is work there, i.e. move to NWS or QLD, however, he has been told he CAN move state BUT, he CANNOT work, as he is sponsored by WA and is not allowed to pay tax anywhere else other than WA until his 2 years is up, which will be in April.


Can anyone offer any sound advise or clarification on this please..


Thank you in advance!

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Guest Guest114430

hi mate,


it is only a moral obligation as you've been told. you do not legally have to stay in that state. the 190 is a permanent resident visa!! so, as soon as you land you are free to do what you like and live and work anywhere in OZ!


your friend could have moved whenever he liked!! he's had some bad advice there!!

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