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Anyone know of any financial help with the Bridging courses for Nursing for AHPRA?


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Hi everyone,


I was one of the unlucky nurses that has a Diploma HE and got refused by AHPRA, I am over here in Australia, and I am having a nightmare.

I thought I would be able to get plenty of work as an AIN and be able to save for the bridging course and get it done. But in fact its been quite the opposite, im scraping about for any job these days, and my savings have taken a battering. There seems to be plenty of Aged care and AIN jobs but as soon as they see my cv and see that I am a nurse, they don't want me, as they know I wouldnt be there long. Also it seems here in QLD that unless you have a certificate 3 in health care, you wont get a thing!


The bridging course is the only way I am going to be able to get out of this mess, because as soon as I do this course I can re-register with AHPRA and then start picking up jobs again, which are plentiful as a registered nurse.

But the sticking point is the fact that it is $12,500, and I have no way of getting that money. I can't even get a loan from the bank as I dont have sufficient work or income for them to lend me money!

Its all so annoying, does anyone know of any institution that let them spread the costs abit, or offered any kind of financial assistance?

Its a long shot but I thought worth asking?


Many thanks


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Hi Sarah;



i myself am a RNA in the same situation RE:DipHE - sadly unless you can raise the finance yourself there are no institutions that will provide financial assistance in the form like student loans; however IHNA ($10,900)- who have campus in Perth & Melbourne do allow you to pay by instalments; failing that - my employer here in mount isa - gladly employs nurses as AIN- (and is presently recruiting) and support you with appropriate time off to complete bridging. i am however lucky in that i have enough money to cover the course; however am trying my luck via new zealand for rego first - incidentally their conversion (known as competence assessment program) is only 6 weeks long- and in the region of $7,500. just a bit of food for thought! - Naturally if NZ refuse my application and refer me to CAP- then ill be taking that route - due to cost- and well- it'll be a 6 week "Holiday'




Matt x

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