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IT jobs?


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i am currently working as an Infrastructure Engineer doing 3rd work and helping with IT projects, I look after all the VMware estate and Microsoft stuff.


I am thinking about moving to Australia, what are my chances of getting a sponsored job before? I have looked on the internet and can't find much, but can find loads of normal jobs. If I move I'd need to start working quite soon how quick do you think I can get a similar job? Is it worth applying for a temporary/contract job to start with?

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First of all Australia is a huge place so asking what the chances are of getting a job there is like asking what the chances are of getting a job in Europe or North America - the answers you will get will depend on where the person replying knows & lives. If you can narrow it down then people in those areas can help you more.


If you really don't mind where in Australia then that obviously increases your chances but you need to have a hard think about whether you really mean that - most people have an 'idea' of Australia and are looking for somewhere that matches that idea - if your idea is Darwin then a job in Tasmania is likely to leave you disappointed when the snow falls in December or if your idea is sea and surf then Alice Springs is likely to leave you cold (or rather mega hot) - of course some people are prepared to play a long game and take any job just to get in.


My experience is in Perth and I left two years ago so maybe irrelevant to you but for what it's worth people with your skills are 10 a penny, not just Australians but also newly arrived migrants (particularly from India) - my DH has a similar skill set and ended up stuck in a job he hated because there just wasn't the opportunities. Actually he was originally sponsored but that was in 2008 and things are very different now - in Perth unemployment is growing, the major employers are the mining companies and they are laying people off. In 2008 he had two offers of sponsorship by 2012 he couldn't get work.


Sponsorship is probably a pipe dream these days - employers have to prove that there are no suitable Australian applicants (including migrants already in Australia) and a minimum salary is required as well as offer hoops such as training etc. that the employer must jump through.


I am not up to date with the SOL but your best bet is independent skilled migration (or state sponsored) however as a new migrant getting that first job isn't always easy - I would not consider moving unless you have 6 months living expenses, on top of moving expenses to get by.


How about taking a contract in the UK to boost your savings? I try to work 6-9 months of the year and then take 3-6 months off on the extra income achieved through contracting. On the whole it is easier to get permanent jobs than contracts so use your UK experience and contracts to get the money in the bank before you go and then take whatever you can in Australia.


A final thought, if you are under 30 a WHV is an option and sponsorship then becomes slightly more likely, if you have worked somewhere 6 months and the employer really wants to keep you they may be more willing to jump through those hoops.

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