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Northern Irish Guy heading to Perth in November, needing advice!


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So i will be leaving in the last week of November for Perth on a WHV, i just need some genderal adivce on a couple of things:-


How much money do i need? - I already have 2500gbp


is it relatively easy finding a job? - Unfortunately i dont have a degree but i have experience in my current job as of 5 years


Is it easy enough buying a car on a UK driving license?


Making friends? - Generally i will be staying in hostel and it should be easy enough but be quite quiet i would think it would be quite difficult.


I know these may sound like stupid questions but I don't know anyone else who has done this before so apologises in advance :D





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How much money do i need?

Depends on what you are planning to do? $5k would get you a knackered car and a slab of beer.


is it relatively easy finding a job?

Depends on the job, seems to be easy to get shop sales/coffee shop/bar work from the people i know. Civil Engineering, not so easy.


Is it easy enough buying a car on a UK driving license?

Yes - no difference at all.

Making friends?

Are you social? Do you like joining in, or do you prefer to complain that it's "not like home"? That'll make the biggest difference.

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That doesnt so so bad, i just thought it would be a pain in the arse!


I'm not worried about what kind of work to be fair, just enough to move around every 2 or so months.




I am indeed, as the old saying goes here "There's no point in complaing, because no one will listen!"


Cheers for the advice Bibbs, every little helps!

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What sort of work do you do? I met loads of Irish guys down south WA, they were all working on farms. Hostels are fine if you're outgoing, I struggle a bit because I'm not always the best at starting conversations but I'm improving a lot. If you like your own space etc they aren't so good! I came with around £3000-3500 if I remember correctly. It's easy for it to go quickly, my problem is I went eating out a lot my first 3 weeks because I couldn't be bothered cooking. If I hadn't then I'd have saved quite a bit

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I am a systems administrator/stock controller for a logisitics company, ive heard that a lot of irish people head to WA. I'm not to introvert, so having my own space isn't much of an issue. I can be the same at times lol.


i just want to have enough so that i dont have to worry about money until i can find myself a job. I'll keep that in mind, i think the height of me going out to eating would be McDonalds lol :ssign7:

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Yeah there's Irish everywhere lol I'm starting to wonder if there's any left in Ireland. We had a few Scottish people down there too and I've heard quite a lot since I've been in Perth. You could register with some admin agencies etc if that's what you fancy doing, haven't a clue wether there's many jobs in it.


If McDonald's is the height then you'll probably be fine lol. I panicked too much when I first got here when really my money would have paid for me to go up east Coast for 6 weeks but I didn't want to finish and then have no money. I'm sure you'll be fine!

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