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Pro Rata Occupations


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Hi there,


Playing the waiting game at the moment for my DOE to count down to invite day, but had a query on the pro rata occupations.


For 2211 (Accountants) the occupation ceiling is 2525 (~210 per month), with only 585 having been invited after 6 months.


My query is whether this means that they will offer invites for the total balance of 1940 places, or only 1260 (6 months to go * 210)? On some forums there seems to be an assumption that they will relax points requirements (currently 70) to ensure that all places are used, but that doesn't make sense to me if you end up inviting a lot of accountants over the last couple of months of the migration year, thereby blocking other professions.


Hopefully no impact to me, but was pondering this one and wondered on opinions.





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The ceiling is just as it sounds, a ceiling. So the invitations each month may be significantly lower, but can never be higher. It is very common for the ceilings for all occupations to never be reached during the programme year.


I highly doubt that the ceiling will be reached. Likewise, I highly doubt that the points score will lower significantly enough to allow the floodgates to open.


The score may drop to 65 eventually, but based on the high amount of applicants, and the large backlog of 70+ points, I doubt that would happen before the end of this programme year.

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Ignore the mathematics, they mean very little in the real world.


There are so many factors at play and to issue 210 invitations per month to accountants will never happen. I think that the total for the year will probably be no more than 1100.


Also, last year the department reached the total visa ceiling around two months early, this meant that there were no grants in May/June. I think that they'd like to prevent that happening again as it caused great stress to the department and the applicants, because they were unable to clear the steadily building backlog. This backlog is still ongoing 6 months later.

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