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489 to 189 visa


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Hi guys, my name is Jack and I'm new to this forum. I'm looking some much needed advice/opinion about an application for a 189 visa.


I currently live in the Northern Territory, seven months ago I got granted a 489 visa (which is territory nomination). Now the only reason why I did not apply for the 189 back then was because I didn't have the points to be eligible. However today as it stands I have 75 independent points, which is well above the 60 point baseline.


At the moment I want to apply for a 189 because I now have the points. However last night when I was on the government immigration website researching the 189 it says the following;


"This visa is for points-tested skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer or family member or nominated by a state or territory government."


I am sponsored by the Northern Territory government already. Does this mean that I can't apply for the 189? Or does it mean that I can still apply? But it's just stating the obvious that it's an independent visa? What can I do to be eligible to apply?


All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Jack Parker.

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No, don't worry about that. You can apply for the 189 if you wish. If you are granted a 189, the 489 will self cancel and you'll automatically be living on a 189.


If you've already worked out what points you are likely to be eligible to claim then you have made a good start.

Go to the border.gov.au website and search the SOL, find your occupation and see what skills assessment you need to do.

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Yes, the 489 is an eligible visa for an onshore 189 application.


Depending on the date of your skill assessment, you may be able to use it for the 189 visa. Likewise with your IELTS test (if sat), depending on its date.


You do need to pay the visa application fees again.



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Yeah thats a big factor in why I want to get the 189 so as I'm not "tied down" and you have the freedom to move around and look for work elsewhere, so did you come to oz on a 475? not a 489? Was there any particular reason you waited a year and a half before applying for the 189?

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