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WHV / Tourist Visa / Secondment / Sabbatical queries


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Wondering if someone can help me - I have few options for getting to Australia...


My friend is going to a WHV in Feb/March time and i would LOVE to go with her. I'm 100% up for it however extremely nervous about giving up my job. Has anyone ever taken a sabbatical for 1 year? How did you go about asking your employer about it? I would be keen to have something in place in case I go to Oz and end up not liking it or it doesn't work out.


A friend who has done the whv has recommended that we apply for 3 month tourist visa, travel for that time, go to Bali and apply for whv whilst there then enter Oz with whv and get farm work out the way then you basically have 2 full years and already done the travelling bit first. Has anyone done it this way before?


Lastly, if I wasn't to go ahead with the above then I might have the option of this..

I currently work for a global company as a management accountant and there are always opportunities to transfer to another site in a different region or country. I have made my bosses aware of my keenness to discuss any job opportunities that come up for the offices in Australia. If a job came up and I wanted to go for it, how would it work visa wise? Although I work as a management accountant, I'm not fully qualified therefore don't think I'd qualify for the list even though accountant is on it.





PS - I have always wanted to go to Australia but always put it off for one thing or the other. I'm a single 27 year old girl and think the time is right!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why not just apply for a one year WHV and come out.


And if you don't like it then go back home again. I have only ever met one backpacker who hated Oz. Practically everyone else says it is the best thing they have ever done.


Best thing I ever did in my 20's.


WHV are not designed for you to further your career, since you can only work in the same job for 6 months. Although loads of accounting jobs here should you wish to remain in the same field. They are designed for you to experience another country, pick up a bit of work along the way, earn money to move on and see a bit of the country. And hopefully have fun whilst you are doing it.


Then you can go back to the UK and settle into a life of being a bean counter


Only one year out of your life, that when you are 90 and in a home, you can look back on with much fondness. Guessing you won't feel the same about memories of being a management accountant!!


If you are going to do it you had better get a move on. Cut off is 30.

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