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Having a baby in Victoria


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Hi everyone


I am emigrating to Victoria with my husband and daughter in april. Once we are settled ww hope to expand our family. Is having a child expensive? Do you pay for every midwife appointment and scan or is it only expensive if you have complications.


Any information would be great!


Thanks kate

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If you have PR and go public it's free mostly/ Sometimes a few charges for scans but you can asked to be sent somewhere where it's charged direct to medicare. I've had a child in both the public and private system and the care was much the same really except private you have costs and choice of doctor and hospital to have baby.

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Thats great thanks (:


Its gonna be a couple of years before we have another but it was something we got talking about and one thing we hadn't really looked at. We have PR so we will be fine . Exciting times!

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