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I'm looking for some advice on the IELTS General exam, if anyone is kind enough to oblige.

I'm a native English speaker however, being that I'm Scottish it's not exactly the queens.

Any tips or help would be appreciated.


Best regards


Jock.... :)

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Hi, I sat the academic test last Saturday. Obviously the tests are somewhat different (although I think the listening and speaking are the same) so I can't advise specifically on the general test. To be honest my only real advice would be to practise. I used the Cambridge textbook and I was glad I got it as I found it gave me a good insight into the format of the questions and expected answers.


I get my results next Friday so I'll refrain from giving too much advice until I know how well I did! Lots of really helpful people on here though so I'm sure you'll get what you need.x

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I sat the academic for my skills assessment and then general for extra visa points, and yes both the listening and speaking parts are te same for both tests.

For the listening my best advice would be to do a few practice tests so that you are familiar with the timings and format.

Avoid simple mistakes by reading the test paper instructions eg it may say "in one word only, or in no more than two word answers".


You can practice speaking by getting some practice from the IELTS.org website, they have a free practice section and advise on common mistakes. That will get you thinking about subjects you will need to describe. Eg where you live, a holiday you enjoyed , your opinion on how different cultures may live well together.


The the reading and the writing are the trickiest in my opinion, and again use the IELTS official website and practice so you know what to expect and within the time provided. Reading is picking out information from a text.. Again look out for how they want the answers to avoid mistakes.


Writing is in two sections, and for the general test it is a mini essay where you are expected to discuss a subject, so for that it's a good idea to jot down your ideas then write with a intro, body then conclusion.

Then task two is iusually in the form of a letter to someone. Mine was to write a letter to a friend arriving in the country explaining to her how to get to my house and what we were going to do during her stay!


The general is a lot simpler than the academic for writing and reading sections , but still to do some times practice tests would be my best advice, as it's costly to have to re-sit!

But you will do it, best of luck!

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