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Make first entry and comes back to home country- what happened????


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Hi all,


I want to know one thing that after granting visa and visa stamping. when we arrive in south Australia,

1-what is the procedure to register ourself and validate that we have made our entry in Australia???


2- is this necessary to stay in Australia after first entry. what happened if we make first entry and comes back to our home country within a week ( in order to give resignation from work, kids education transfer letter and complete other stuff) and then again go to Australia for long stay.???


3- Does this effect on my immigration and PR streamline?


4- Is there any issue with it that some one bring his family (spouse and kid) with him to australia, make first entry and then send them back to home country for few month until he settle himself in australia. when he got job and accommodation then bring family for long stay.



Please comment on my points and share your experiences. i am confused.


Thank you in advance

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You arrive in Aus, clear immigration, get passport stamped and and leave the arrivals zone. You have then validated. When you chose to return to your home country is entirely up to you after that.


If you are only planning on entering a few months ahead and you have plenty of time to validate, why bother bringing your spouse and child to validate if they are coming back a few months later. I'd just let them come over a few months after you and save the validation trip costs for them.


What are the dates they have given you for first entry? So long as your spouse and child move over within that that would be their validation as well. Its if they tried to make first entry after the validation final date has passed they'd be stuffed. Not everyone makes a validation trip. I didn't. I just moved over within the timeframe to validate was all. Still had a good 5 months left to run on the validation timeframe when I did this.


Hope that makes sense.

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