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Transporting a dog on medication


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Does anyone have any experience of trying to transport a dog back to the UK when it is on medication? I have a poodle with epilepsy. His fits are infrequent and mild and up to recently we haven't medicated him as the vet didn't think it necessary. However when I mentioned that I was concerned he might have a fit on the flight over the vet suggested putting him on medication to rule out that worry. He has started taking the drugs but now Jetpets have said there may be a problem with the airline accepting a dog who requires medication. He has a tablet every twelve hours. The vet has written a letter to say she sees no problem with the drugs affecting his ability to travel.

Does anyone know what the issue is with the airline? Perhaps I should just medicate until he leaves and hope the drug stays in his system.

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Hey Rosie,


Call Emirates and/or Qantas and explain what you want, they are both very professional animal movers, they know their stuff, (they may refer you to a freight handler) do not worry, we moved a Pet dog to london via dubai a few months ago and they were fantastic, call them direct, explain what your needs are and you'll be well looked after, just a head up on the timescale, you need to be doing this say 6-8 weeks before you travel. Some vaccinations need to be in place 4-6 before travel date.


I used to work for QF and know exactly how animals are treated and handled, and I can assure you it's very professional and caring, they do actually take very good care of the animals.

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Thank you deryans. I've already booked him in with Jetpets and they had him booked on a flight with Emirates until this problem with the medication. He has had his rabies injection etc. as you suggest I will try and contact the airline direct just to see exactly what the problem is.

Thanks for the reassurances about the process. It's the thing I am most stressed about in the whole move back to the UK. I know he will be scared and confused for a couple of days but hoping it will all be worth it to have him with us over there.

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Seriously though, I can assure you emirates and any other carrier that sequences through Dubai, take very good care of the animals, as regards the little chap, as long as the medication does not affect his respiratory function (i.e. breathing) then he's good to travel on that basis, you will need to be totally upfront with emirates regading the epilipsy and I can't advise you on that. On another point, Dogs don't really have a sense of time, so say 1 hour in crate is the same as say 6 hours in crate, does not actually matter what environment, crews keep temps and pressures in cargo same as for people up top, and indeed can even make it warmer for pooch if requested/#.

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