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Melbourne - Plumbing JOBs for 457 and 189 visa holders?


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Hi Everyone,

My OH is a plumber/gas safe engineer (6+ years experience) and we are looking to move to Melbourne. Problem we are having is which visa we should go for. We would preferable go for 189 as gives us flexibility of my OH changing a job if needed on the other hand 457 is a safe option as the job is secured from the start.


Have you heard of any companies offering jobs/sponsorship for both visas?


The thing we are hoping not to face is lack of job for a long time on our arrival.


I would appreciate every advice I can get.



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you may have a job to start with on a 457 but if something happens to that job you will need to leave Australia or find another sponsor, if you can get 189 its always better as it offers security and you can apply for jobs before you go and maybe get lucky..employers prefer you to have permanent residency

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There are a lot of threads about plumbing jobs in the jobs section and also if you join Life in Victoria you may get some help. I just seem to remember that plumbers like electricians do not have it easy when fitting in with the system over here. I think I read where they have to work with a plumber or something anyway there will be a lot who can help you with this. Most of our plumbers here in Victoria are self employed one man bands or working for franchises. Its quite different system to the UK here.

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