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Beauty Courses Recognised in Australia


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I'm about to complete a professional make up artistry course including special effects make up. Also have a number of certificates for beauty treatments (HD brows, lash extensions, gel nails). But they are all separate courses I have been putting myself through over time. Has anyone had any trouble getting their beauty qualifications recognised? I'm just wondering because I know a lot of people usually do one big course where as I've gathered up loads of little ones. I was considering doing a course completely aimed at building up my professional portfolio with proper models/photography rather than just clients. It's looking like it will cost me anything between 1000-3000 as its with a top make up artist. Anyone know if this would be worth the money? I've only really been doing it since June but want to get as much under my belt as possible. Thanks :)

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I've been trying to find out the same. I have finally spoken to several people, but it's really difficult getting any sort of response from Australia, whether it be TAFE, or beauty training organisations.


I have been told contradictory answers:


1) no your qualifications are not recognised.


2) As long at its a diploma I.e an NVQ level 3 and above, then you can either do a transfer course to get it recognised in Australia or occasionally some employers except it, but not without previous experience.


3) qualifications won't be excepted even for Insurance purposes if they are certificates as opposed to nationally recognised diplomas.


As you can see after months of research, I'm still none the wiser. I've decided to complete my diploma and then do an advanced course in Australia. My answers are based on Beauty Therapy qualifications so it may be different for make up artistry?


This probably doesn't help, but I thought I'd share what responses I've had.


Good Luck, let me know if you get any clearer clarification?

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Thanks for response :) they are diplomas and I'm insured to practice them on the general public (but only as last month). Originally started doing them all to make some extra cash but I've enjoyed it that much I started doing more... Lol the HD brows was very expensive I know its all well recognised here but because I don't know the beauty industry in Australia I'm lost! I'm not even sure they offer HD brow products in Australia? Lol there's a lot to look into I suppose. I honestly don't know much about it all , I've just started building up these little things from scratch to compliment my make up artistry course (extra cash lol). I was told about the professional portfolio building course by a friend who went to Australia, but that was for a working holiday so a lot different... It's a very hard topic to find anything on ! :(

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