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Emigrating at 28 weeks pregnant!


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I know I wont be the first slightly insane person to emigrate whilst so pregnant, but was hoping to hear from anyone else thats pulled it off!


Also thought it might be helpful for anyone else in the same boat.


We are moving at 28 weeks as i dont want to fly any later (know i going to be totally knackered as its a hard enough trip not pregnant!)

Not an ideal time but we have wanted another baby for ages so Feeling more grateful than anything else.

Also as thats the earliest i can leave work with annual leave so I can claim statutory maternity pay ( ive checked with smp people who say I am still entitled even if I leave the country- this suprised me) dont want to fly before christmas mostlly because its the most expensive rime to fly!

I do not have to return to work either as I will only be claiming statutory MP.


We are in a very fortunate positon in that our very good friends have said we (me, husband and three year old) can have a little flat in their garden for the first 4 months (rent free but will of course pay bills etc). This has taken a little pressure off, its not where we want to be but will allow us to have a base whilst husband secures work and we sort our own place.


SMP isnt much but ot would be daft I think to fly before (forfeit SMP) as it will contribute significantly to groceries atleast.


We have lived in oz before for a year so im not a complete newbie, although we will be setting up again somewhere new so im under no illusions its not going to be a challenge!


Most of my friends think im nuts but we travelled with my husbands job ever since our son was born so im used to finding my feet in new places.

We are flying into adelaide to pick up our car before driving up to our friends in sydney.

Our things will arrive long after us when we have decided where it should be shipped to!


We just want to get out there now as soon as possible and will be flying into the heat on the 3rd jan, again slightly bonkers. This may change as I have my dating scan next week. Im fit and healthy so all being well, puling this off will be alot down positive mind set and staying stress free. So the ball rolling now with getting things ready to rock.


I wonder if anyone else has done it and could offer advice as to what to do first when we arrive regarding prenatal care. I know I will need a fit to fly note from my doc and my notes from england.

Never had a baby in Australia before!!!



Grateful for any replies


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Can't speak for most of your post with regards to the antenatal and post natal things.


I'm sure that you already know this, but I thought that I'd just pitch in and say to be wary of specific airlines requirements.


Most accept women upto 36 weeks but some are starting to move this to 28 weeks. So if you do choose to go when you've entered the 29th week, check with the airline first. It may be that you just need a medical certificate to prove your fitness to fly but it may be that you wouldn't be permitted to fly at all.


By the way I don't think you're insane, it's a perfectly safe thing to do if planned correctly and you're in good health. I'd be more worried about that epic drive from Adelaide to Sydney!! Very brave!!


Best of luck with the move and the pregnancy!

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Thanks for your positive reply CaptainC!


yes that's a very good point, most airlines fly you up to 28 weeks and If you are med fit then you can fly with some up to 36 weeks (no way) but that is a bit much long haul if you flying economy, but you have made me realise... on 3rd jan (earliest I can take sml) I'll be 29 weeks+ so I'll have to fly before that which I'll have to re work out with annual leave when I know baby's exact due date.


Looks like we might have to fly in December after all (ouch £££££££££!)


yes adelaide to sydney drive a long one, but we will be in great need of the holiday by then so going to take our time and do it over a couple of weeks atleast ... Don't really have much choice as our car needs to get from a to b. I could fly but would feel abit mean husband doing it on his own, we will just have to make it all part of the adventure!


my friends think I'm more insane moving to a country with no big support network/ job or house! But we have each other, husband really positive about work and we all work hard when we need to. The home will come, I'm sure of it, all seems a bit much right now but it's all going to work out.


i had a lovely private msg from someone who did it at 29 weeks so good to know, advice was to register ASAP with Medicare and go so can get hospital booked. Exciting! Just got got to believe it's all going to work out. Off to get husbands CV updated now and get this show on the road :-)

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No particular thoughts on moving at 28 weeks other than bit worried for you on the long car trip. Means you are on the road in the middle of summer without a regular healthcare provider. I do wonder if you should fly and husband drive.


Other than that, well you seem like a seasoned traveler and I think you know what your limits and capabilities are and obviously know what to expect during later stages of pregnancy too. So if you feel happy with it all, then that is the main thing. If you change your mind nearer the time, then don't be afraid to change your plans.

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  • 8 months later...

Just wanted to update that we are here!! I did fly at 27 weeks and had my baby girl in Sydney 5weeks ago. We are now living on the central coast but i just wanted to put it out there if anyone thinking of doing the same thing or needed any support or advice. Definately the hardest thing I have ever done so far but we pulled it off so it can be done! Love to all you PIO who offered such great advice throughout our migration journey and all my ups and downs!

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