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457 Visa Medical and Police Checks

Guest Johno

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Hello All,


I migrating to Melbourne in Feb under a 457 Visa (hopefully!)


I have a company to sponsor me and am awaiting their acceptance code.


What i'm cofused about is whether i require a medical or just chest x-ray and/or a police check.


The DIMA guidelines and form itself seem to suggest only if requested for my application but i want to check before i send the forms in,


has anyone had experience of this process?


many thanks



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Guest Brissiebound

Hi Johno,


We've just been through this process and the answer depends whether you are going to be working in a medical or school setting (nurse, doctor, teacher etc). My wife is nursing and so she and the kids (all school age) all required full medicals and x-rays but I only needed the x-ray. If you complete your side of the 457 online it actually tells you what is required. The police check is also only for the person who is being sponsored, so I didn't need to provide mine though I have it. Hope this helps and best of luck!



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Thanks Steve,


Checked it out and i do require a chest x-ray and police check.


Did you send them at the same time as the 457?





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Guest Brissiebound

Hi Johno,


Actually we didn't send my wife's police check at all, we sent that with our full per res 136 app. The medicals and the x-rays were sent by the clinic and the private hospital directly (and I believe electronically!) and they were acknowledged very quickly. We did our side of the 457 online and if you check on the progress of the application it lets you know when everything is received and the status of the application. It was all pretty quick once we got the approval number (TRN) from the sponsor. From the day we did the meds and x-rays to getting the visas only took a week.


Best of luck with it all!



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  • 1 year later...

We are hoping to move to the Gold Coast on a 457 visa, but I am still waiting for my TRN number (I have been waiting approx 6 wks... apparently HR for the hopsital I'll be working at have had some unforseen circumstances). Any ideas how long the whole process takes once I get my TRN and submit the visa application? How long does it take from lodging the application to doing medicals to getting visas????


Am a bit inpatient now as I took a six month contract that ends at the end of March and will have to do agency work or find another temporary contract until we get sorted with visas. Grrrrrrrr




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