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Looking to meet new people on the Gold Coast!

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Hi all, i am a single male Essex boy who has been living on the Gold Coast for about a year now, i am looking to meet new people for friendship and socializing, i am an ordinary bloke who enjoys the normal things in life, beach, beers, good company, good food, football and a good laugh, be good to here from anyone single or families or whatever who fancy meeting up sometime.

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I watch these threads, from what I can see they very rarely result in any genuine useful outcome.


The usual suspects will post the obvious...have you tried...I am not anywhere near you......good luck.....


There are promiseses that never amount to anything, or more handball to something else, a bit like contacting the council and they tell you to contact DPI who then tell you to contact the council......


I have watched people and, it seems to me, real friendships are not part of Australian life, locals mix with family or people they have known since there were young, they may have acquaintances, here church is big, but few of those people are real friends who would be allowed into the inner circle.


Australians do not want or need outsiders, that is why outsiders seek national groups or religions, it's something to join.


Anyone who dares to say how it is will be slapped down and blamed, making it easy to believe you are a tainted person who deserves to be marginlised, of course I don't now you but in my observation it's more likely you are simply a victim of how things are here.


No doubt there will be those who will tell you how easily they made wonderful friends here and it's your fault if you are not as welcomed as they have been. If that is true why are they not meeting up with those here who are not as gifted as them and offering real companionship and introducing others to their wonderful circle friends.


People are also possessive of their family, they are theirs and they won't share them with you.


Differnce is not acceptable here, so if, for example, you don't drink that will make you unwelcome in many situations, you must agree with them on everything and mirror their behaviour, above all you must agree that Australia is the most wonderful country in earth.


I understand how depresing it is to feel you have tried everything available to you and all you get is a smack in the face, and it's not much comfort to realise it's not because you are an unworthy person, it's the way it is for many (if not most) people.


So you may get the disingenuous friendliness, people will smile to your face and exchange a few fake pleasantries but don't expect to be invited in beyond that.


You will be welcome when you are spending money, but that won't lead to anything beyond work and business.


Keep trying (maybe set a time limit) but if nothing gets better, I would advise reconsidering whether to stay, if you keep hoping things will change if only you try harder or change yourself, you may find 20 years have gone by and you have learned to live a life of acceptance and it's now to late to move on and look for something better.

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I hear what you are saying mate, but to be honest i knew it would never be the same as back home, i am never going to make the same social network i had before it was a whole lifes worth, i have made a few Ozzy friends and thats fine, really its the people on here who want to meet up with 'local Brits' who when i reply to there threads they just ignore me that make me laugh, why bother posting up these ads.

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